Wednesday, March 4, 2015

AppleTV + Interwrite = No Need for SMARTboards?!

One of the things that has been a tech life-saver for me this year is my Apple TV.  We do not have access to SMARTboards in my new school, but we do have projectors and pull down screens.  My projector is an old model and does not have an HDMI input, so I had to order a converter cord, but that was an easy and cheap fix!

Using AppleTV in the classroom *almost* eliminates the need for a SMARTboard.  I say almost because the screen is still not interactive, but you can still do almost anything you need between the AppleTV and the Interwrite system.

I use the Explain Everything app with my AppleTV.  I use it with my personal iPad.  This allows me to turn on Airplay and walk around the room while I am teaching.  Interwrite provides the same freedom- it is just easier for me to import lessons and images into Explain Everything.

Here are some great screenshots from Explain Everything:

This is a really great app if you don't mind spending the 3 dollars- to me it is TOTALLY worth it!  Between this app and my Interwrite board- I am barely missing my SMARTboard this year!