Sunday, April 19, 2015

Computer Science- Scratch and

One of my favorite things to do with my 3rd graders last year was teach them how to code.  I will admit that I know very little about writing code, but thanks to programs like, I could teach them to love computer science!  If you haven't checked out for your class, you are missing out!

Shout out to my father-in-law for introducing me to Scratch.  This is an AWESOME computer science site created at MIT.  It's geared toward elementary level students, and has a huge library of games an activities that incorporate code.  Here's what Scratch has to say about the program:

There are areas designated for creating programs, playing games, and even reading material supporting computer science education at the elementary level.  This is a great program- I am considering introducing some basic things to my 1st graders, but I know the older elementary grades would do well with this!  

Example of a task under the "Create" folder.  This is very similar to the tasks on  Here, students fit the directions together like puzzle pieces to manipulate the cat into doing what they want it to do.  

Sample of an activity under "Games"

Hang in there, teachers!  The year is almost over! :) 
It's a new week- what technology are you using with your students this week?