Monday, January 26, 2015

Accountability to the Student

I have been at my school for 6 months now, and it has been such a change from my previous school/district.  The tangible technology students have regular access to here is somewhat limited.  Not having a SmartBoard has challenged my teaching for sure, as well as having to get out of the habit of saying "grab an iPad" to my class (my previous school provided iPads for every classroom for student use.)  I have 2 desktop computers in my room, as well as my teacher computer, which I let students use on occasion.  1st grade has 10 iPads that rotate through our rooms, so we have them once every 6 days, and the students love them.  I bring my personal iPad and allow my students to work on it daily.  I also use it for as much interactive tech as possible, such a Plickers.

I spent 3 years helping teachers implement a new, technology-heavy math curriculum into their classrooms, and I loved my role as a "go-to" tech person in my school.  I was recently reminded that, as teachers in 2015, our job is to prepare students for this ever-changing world that is largely driven by data.  We must prepare them for jobs that don't yet exist- that will use technology that hasn't been invented yet- to solve problems that we don't yet know are problems.  This is only part of what has sparked my interest in becoming a technology coach.  I know I'm not the only teacher who feels this obligation to my students, so I'm setting up this site to document my successes and failures as I try to incorporate as much technology for my students as possible in a technology-limited space.  With any luck there will be more successes than failures!  

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