Monday, January 26, 2015


One of my favorite tech elements to use in my classroom is Plickers.  It is a surprisingly simple program that has saved me so much time--not to mention PAPER--and has fascinated my students.  Plickers is pretty simple- you just create a free account and print the Plicker cards.  Each student gets a card (I gave them to the student with the corresponding number).  The direction the student holds the card up will send the chosen answer to the computer/tablet/phone for recording.  Here's a basic outline of how it works:

First, visit and create a FREE account.  Make sure you download the app onto your mobile device.

Next, download a set of Plicker Cards for your class.  **Helpful hint: I glued mine onto cardstock and laminated them.  I also wrote the letters on the back of the cards, so students could see what letter they are holding up to answer.  

Create your questions in the "library" section of the Plickers home page.  Using your camera, open the Plickers app and capture all the signs the students hold up.  Plickers will tell you when it has captured each card.  The blue box indicates the response has been recorded.
Responses are recorded and "graded", and put into a super handy graph for you!

Plickers has been so amazing for my class.  We are limited in our paper resources, and this has been a tremendous help!  It is especially useful for exit tickets.

It's a great program for tech-shy teachers or beginners.  Give it a try!

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